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Lead Capture+ - Custom 1&2 Variable Meta Tags

On a web page with visitor view installed, set:

<meta content="Custom Data #1" property="thanks1"/>
<meta content="Custom Data #2" property="thanks2"/>

To push any data to Custom 1 or Custom 2 for the captured lead. Push UTM, Source, Intent, Product Name, etc. to drive your dynamic mailers!

Dynamically Generated Advertising

As such, your various ad funnels can supply the design elements to auto-personalize each card:

  • The content or copy on your card can match the content from the ad the lead originally clicked on.

  • The data from that advertising campaign can be forwarded to a CRM of your choice for tracking metrics and conversions using custom 1&2 meta tags.

  • Because the content is variable, you need only one card design for automated retargeting, advertising many different products of the same brand.

With a combination of VV_ tags and meta tags, you can have a very low maintenance retargeting campaign that automatically runs and is automatically designed for any future products you might push.

All without any signup form or registration.
